Personal Recollections On Adam Phillips

Published on: Jul 1, 2024
Adam was a real tennis professional through and through, he knew how to talk to members and discuss their game in detail; on and off the court a true gentleman; for those of us who came up against Adam on court, you could be sure of finding Adam showing passion and determination and a hell of a lot of sweat!  Once, when reaching the final of the British Open doubles with Julian Snow, he came down the side gallery and before my eyes unloaded a bag of sandwiches, crisps, sausage rolls, chocolate and a 2 litre bottle of coke cola.  Julian said “are we playing tennis or having a picnic?!”  Adam replied with “you  have to be prepared”.
Growing up in Cambridge and having his early days with Brian Church showing him the ropes, it was no surprise that Adam’s favourite serve, was the under arm twist.
Off the court Adam was a successful club professional becoming the head professional at Hatfield for many years before succeeding the great David Cull at Lords which was a hard act to follow, but he managed to be accepted into his role.
Adam was a person who was was a very loyal friend and would never let you down.
His infectious personality shone through to those  of us who spent time with him.
Off the court Adam enjoyed socialising and enjoying life to the full, he loved his family and was still taking his washing home to be washed by his mother at the age 45!
Adam was clearly punching above his weight as he caught the eye of the gorgeous Krysha and enjoyed many great years together before they brought 2 beautiful girls into the world, Adam was so excited and besotted to share this great news, liliana aged 11 and Sophia aged 15.
He enjoyed being a father to them, doting on them both and spending as much time as possible with them.
The one thing I will always remember about Adam was his ability to completely fill the room with his personality and charm.
A legend of his time and he will be greatly missed.
Andrew Lyons 1st July 2024